Your safety is our priority

Our Services include


Our guards are carefully selected and well trained to carry out their functions. Our aim is to make FGSL guards the best security operatives in the industry. Our guarding capability is nation-wide


Our robust technology, knowledge-based approach and dedication to quality and safety allow us to provide innovative solutions to every part of the oil and gas industry


We have a team of engineers that undertake building construction in Nigeria and some parts of West Africa. Our standard in building construction which is brought about through the years of experience


Faithworks Global services Ltd is one of the best BTS Infrastructure service provider. We provide passive infrastructure in the telecoms industry and security services enabling our clients to deliver effective and uninterrupted voice and data services


FGSL is a leading provider of operations and maintenance services for a wide range of infrastructure assets worldwide, including power plants, buildings, facilities and construction of all major forms of infrastructure.


We provide global engineering services to suit each of our clients need with the expertise of our technical engineers. Our Engineering Design & Construction business Unit deliver on projects from inception to commissioning.


Faithworks Global Services Ltd is the first and foremost builders. We take pride in our work and are committed to constructing the highest quality projects possible.


We are a leading agro business, trade and export company based in Lagos, Nigeria. We have vast experience in the field of Agriculture, dealing in the international and local market.