Faithworks Security

Faithworks Security

Faithworks security is aware of the insecurity in the industry and country in general, we advise our clients on the best security approach after the physical assessment of the site; for example where to consider as flash- points and a host of other security loopholes. Our guards undergo a 2 week intensive training course on the basics of human psychology, security techniques, basic military drills to make them fit for the job prior to deployment. At FAITHWORKS SECURITY, training is a continuous and ongoing process. We update our guards with new innovation and security alertness frequently and our Supervising officers visit sites on a regular basis.

  • A unique combination of people, technology and integrated workflow focused on adding value to our clients business.
  • A commitment to keep our clients at the leading edge of technology.
  • Full partnership with clients and host communities.
  • Strong financial backing, ensuring stability and growth.
  • Relates well with local and native guards, the vigilantes.
  • Strong relationship with Nigerian Police Force. UR STAFF
  • A staff strength of over 640 well trained security Guards/Officers (with the capacity to scale upwards to meet clients requirements).
  • Work in an innovative working environment that encourages a quick/rapid response to security demands.
  • Staff members are able bodied, physically, medically, and mentally sound males & females recruited from host communities.

We provide round the clock on site coverage, and each state where we provide service has a well trained state coordinator. Our guards are retained from and recommended by the host communities where we operate and then trained to the required standards. Our guards are trained to escalate visual faults e.g. generator stopped working through appropriate channels back to client engineers.